

  关于介绍历史博物馆英语作文模板4篇,作文题目Intduction to the History Museum。以下是关于介绍历史博物馆托福英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

  When I was ing lawyers solve legal pblems in China, I found that some supplementary documents were not enough to be preserved. I dont know if I can contact them to send new supplementary documents. The number of missing files is as follows.


  In night at the museum, Ben Stiller plays Larry Daley, a divorced father, is hard pressed by his exwife to realize many of his money plans or lose custody of his oneyearold son. Daley found a job at the famous museum of natal history in New York, where he was staffed by three outgoing guards Van Dyke, bill Cobbs and a very emotional Mickey Rooney He must be doing something. When the door is locked ding the day and the sun goes down, Larry finds out what they didnt tell him at night, all the animal specimens, stereoscopic models and human models, n the Tyrannoss Rex skeleton in the fnt hall, will become active and run wildly.

  He finds that he is the most srealistic playmate in the world, and dinosas insist on playing ball s and reviving The sculptes on festival Island ask him for gum, the monkey steals his key, Attila the Hun tes to tear him up, and Teddy Rooslt Robin Williams, without shouting bully, gives Larry dwan mament advice about men who are either born great or endowed with great power the plot becomes complicated, but most of natal history is complicated Directed by Sean levy, its all about lions, zebras, and civil war soldiers. Chstopher Columbus and Sacagawea commit all kinds of cruelty and pranks. Its an interesting joney, and history has shown that its much cooler and rewarding than its reputation suggests People are happy.

  在博物馆之夜Night at the Museum,·斯蒂勒扮演拉里·戴利Larry Daley是一位离异,在前妻压力下,他很难实现自己许多赚钱计划,或者失去对xx岁儿子监护权,戴利在纽约著名自然历史博物馆找到了工作,在那里他由三名即将离职警卫迪克·范戴克,比尔·科布斯和一个很有情调米奇·鲁尼这些老古董肯定是在什么,当白天大门紧锁,太阳下山时候,拉里发现了他们没有告诉他事情晚上,所有动物标立体模型和人体模型,甚至是前大厅里霸王龙骨架,都会活跃起,疯狂地奔跑他发现自己是世界上最超现实主义玩伴,恐龙坚持要玩打球,复活节岛上雕塑向他要口香糖,猴子偷了他钥匙,匈奴阿提拉试图把他撕碎,泰迪·罗斯福罗宾·姆斯在没有喊恶霸时,给了拉里·卓斯曼上建议关于男人要么天生就伟大,要么被赋予了伟大力量情节变得更为复杂,但大部分博物馆之夜由肖·利维执导,如果不是很有启发话,都是关于狮子斑马内战士兵那些令人瞠目结舌场景,克里斯托弗·和萨卡加维亚犯下了各种残害和恶作剧行为,这是一次有趣旅程,而历史证明比它声誉所显示要酷得多巨大回报更令人欣。

  The next day, the second day, the next day, I will get up with dawn and see a thlling acle. Night has tned into day. I will watch with awe the maificent panorama of the sleeping earth awakened by the sun.

  Today, I want to take a glimpse of the world in a hry. I want to see the grand gatheng of human pgress, the kaleidoscope of past dynasties, how can so many things be bught about West is compressed into a day thugh museums. Of cose, I often go to the Museum of natal history in New York and touch many of the objects on display there.

  But I am eager to see with my eyes the condensed history of the earth and its residents, where the races of animals and humans are displayed. Long before the advent of humans, the huge corpses of dinosas and mastodons were on the earth before the emergence of humans Wandeng, with their all bodies and powerful brains, they the animal kingdom, present the reality of animal and human dlopment, and among the than 1000 other tools used by human beings to build a safe home on this planet and natal history, I wonder how many readers have seen this vivid panorama of biological feates depicted in this vivid Museum Howr, many people do not have the opportunity, but I am se that many people who have the opportunity do not take advantage of it. In fact, this is a place where you can use yo eyes.

  The people you see can spend many fruitful days there. But with my imaginary threeday vision, I can only take a quick glance, and then my next stop will be the Metpolitan Museum of art, just like natal history Just as museums ral the mateal aspects of the world, metpolises also display all aspects of human spit in human history. The desire for artistic expression is almost as stng as the desire for food, shelter and childbirth.

  In the large om of the Metpolitan Museum, the spits of Ept, Greece and Rome are displayed in fnt of me. As they express in art, I can clearly understand the gods and goddesses of ancient nileran thugh my hands, and I feel the sculpte belt of Parthenon I also feel the rhythm of the Athenian soldiers charge. The victoes of Apollo and Venus and samothras are the charactesti of Homers knobby beard on my fingertips.

  I like it very much bee he also knows that he is blind.



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